College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Department of Wildlife, Fish and Conservation Biology
University of California - Davis
1055 Academic Surge
One Shields Ave
Davis, CA 95616
E-mail: jtveon@ucdavis.edu

Behavioral Ecology
Conservation Biology
Avian Ecology
I study animal behavior in response to human anthropogenic activities. I enjoy investigating topics related to how animals respond to a rapidly urbanizing landscape, as well as landcover change such as the conversion of wetlands to agriculture.
I am interested in analyzing the relationship between species diversity and landcover variables through time and space, in order to develop wildlife management recommendations to conservation agencies such as state management agencies or the US Fish and Wildlife Service. I specialize in understanding how certain species use habitat within wetland ecosystems.
I am specifically interested in the ecology of migratory species, such as waterfowl, and how environmental changes (both natural and human-mediated) influence their distributions, habitat use, community structures, as well as species richness and diversity. I am also interested in how these changes differ geographically across flyways.